Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has been in the hot seat for three days now and for my money, has handled the questioning with grace. While not offering the must-see TV moments of Clarence Thomas' confirmation hearings, the proceedings are fascinating to watch. What a cast of characters...from new Democrat, Arlen Spector, to comic-turned-politician, Al Franken. Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, must fancy himself a comic too. Sotomayor spoke hypothetically about shooting a senator, as she explained what would not be considered self defense. Coburn quipped, "You'd have some 'splaining' to do." Anyone who loves Lucy, knows that's one of Ricky Ricardo's favorite phrases. Some will say, we take political correctness to extremes in this country. Well, if ever there is a time and place for political correctness it is during these historic hearings. The Senator's spokesperson has already responded he was joking and besides people laughed. Well, I recommend Senator Coburn get some diversity training and realize it's not 1950.