Are you going to a movie this weekend? Imagine if the theater you are sitting in allowed movie-goers to text. Most of us get annoyed if one jerk has his phone out during a movie. So it is not surprising that when the CEO of AMC Theaters said the chain may allow texting in some auditoriums, it did not go over well with the public. Not long after the CEO's comments, the company's Director of Communication issued a statement walking that back.
Two days later, CEO Adam Aron himself made it clear they have no longer have any plans to allow texting in AMC theaters. Check out this report from ABC News.
The CEO created a Communication Crisis and the company acted swifted to undo the damage. Lesson learned.
Aron probably thought he was being forward-thinking when he floated the idea of texting-friendly theaters. But once the story spread beyond the entertainment industry paper "Variety," reality set in.
No doubt there are some people who thought this idea was great--probably the same ones who continue to text while driving regardless of how dangerous that is. For the rest of us, this is a victory. If I want to text while watching a movie, I will stay home and Netflix.