Media Interview Training, Crisis Communications, Product Pitch Prep, Women Media Pros |

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With Women Media Pros, you will learn to develop your messaging and stay on-message in media interviews. We use interactive exercises and on-camera practice interviews to prepare you to face the media. Our media training is for businessmen and women across the country and around the world.  Whether you are facing a crisis, promoting your products, or growing your brand, you will benefit from media training.
Our  media training options include private and group sessions. Plus former CNN VP and Women Media Pros founder, Suzanne Spurgeon, provides virtual media training.  And if you need bilingual media training, we have that too.

Our media trainers are Veteran Broadcast Journalists who have worked at

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You should consider media training if...

» you're an executive who is too camera-shy for media interviews.  But you are launching a new product or service, and need media coverage.
» you suffered through a bad media interview and vowed to never do another.
» your company has been unfairly targeted by the media.
»  you're in a high-risk industry but don’t feel fully prepared to face the media should a crisis occur.
» your social media posts have gone “off message."

Our media training sessions are targeted to your precise needs.  We have several  options for you to consider—from basic media interview training to crisis communication workshops.

We have been providing customized media training for executives, doctors, lawyers, athletes, law enforcement, celebrities, politicians, authors, and small business men and women since 2007.  Our media trainers reside in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco.  We provide media training in these cities and wherever there is a need.

Women Media Pros provides the GPS to get you where you want to go in media. Give us a call and let's talk about your trip. 
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About Suzanne Spurgeon

SUZANNE SPURGEON is the Founder of Women Media Pros and former CNN Vice President/ Los Angeles Bureau Chief. She is an Emmy Award-winning journalist. Suzanne has media trained executives, business owners, doctors, lawyers, celebrities, first responders and authors. Clients include: airlines, energy firms, utilities, and government agencies in the U.S. and other countries.

She developed detailed crisis coverage plans for CNN’s LA Bureau and supervised investigative reporting efforts. Suzanne produced breaking news coverage of airline disasters, train crashes, earthquakes, celebrity scandals, criminal and civil trails, terrorist attacks, and elections.

 Suzanne Spurgeon on the importance of hiring the right media training team


Years of Experience

Suzanne draws on her media experiences covering natural and man-made disasters to help her clients take control of their communication crises. She has written crisis communication plans  for corporations and non-profits, and has conducted on-site crisis drills.

 Media Trainer and former CNN VP Suzanne Spurgeon


Our Services

Media Training

Media Training

Media training for executives is like an insurance policy for businesses. When a reporter calls or a camera crew ambushes you on the sidewalk, you need to be ready to respond in a manner that puts your business in the most positive light. Whether you are reacting to a major crisis or promoting a new product or service through the media, you can’t afford to blow that media interview or news conference. That’s why professional media interview training is so important. Women Media Pros offers private media training and group media training in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, Denver and cities worldwide. 

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Crisis Communications

Crisis Communications

When corporations, government agencies or high-profile individuals face crises the media is ready to pounce on the story. Product recalls, medical mistakes, fallen politicians, celebrity scandals, corporate bankruptcies, financial bailouts, and officer-involved shootings are all hot media topics. They fall into the category of crisis communications. From the very first hint of a crisis, executives and other professionals need to be media ready. Your problem may go viral on social media and reach millions through traditional media on day-one. We make sure you are ready to face the media and manage your crisis.

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Public RelationS

There is an art to writing a news release that gets noticed by the media. A poorly written release will end up in the garbage. The media just has too many things to choose from each day to response to something that is not really newsworthy. As journalists, we have been on the receiving end of thousands of news releases over the years. We know what works and what does not. We can help you promote your business with our public relations services.

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Video Production

Video Production

If you have a website, you need videos. If you make corporate presentations, you need videos. For some businesses that means a full-scale, multi-camera video production. For others, it means a basic video that can be shot and edited in a single day. We offer video production services to fit nearly any budget. We are expert story tellers who can help you tell your story in video in a compelling manner.

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“It was a pleasure to take Suzanne's media training workshop... she knows the territory thoroughly, from both sides of the camera, in so may different industry segments, to address each need that was requested. She used interactive techniques that made the whole process much more powerful... she knew how to build camaraderie in a group where some had no media experience and others had lots... and her wisdom made a lasting impression on me. Bravo and many thanks.”

Diane A. Curran
Owner and CEO at The Marketing Deal


“As a female executive and a spokesperson for my former employer, a real estate investment firm, it was important to me to hire a professional with an extensive background in media relations and crisis communications to address the specific needs of the company. I was immediately impressed by Suzanne Spurgeon. Suzanne's insight and impressive background was critical in targeting the right messages for our company. She was quickly able to grasp the objectives we wished to accomplish and put a comprehensive crisis plan of action together tailored specifically to our needs. Suzanne worked with me and other key staff members to learn how to effectively respond to even the most difficult media and crisis issues and she was an invaluable advisor to me in my leadership role. I highly recommend Suzanne Spurgeon and look forward to working with her again.”

Carol Wilcox
CEO, Wild Dove Marketing, LLC, Former VP Business Development & Marketing,
Residential Asset Management, LLC


“There is nobody who worked at CNN during my years as CEO for whom I have greater personal and professional respect than Suzanne Spurgeon. In every assignment Suzanne demonstrated the highest standards of professional journalism.”

Tom Johnson
former CEO/Chairman CNN News Group & former publisher LA Times


Bella Shaw, former CNN anchor and reporter, is one of the many professional consultants that Suzanne partners with to help prepare busy executives and professionals, just like you, for media interviews and various media appearances.

Together, they have conducted thousands of interviews during their extensive broadcasting careers. Suzanne brings the best talent to you.  Just a few of the things you will learn in their media training workshops...

  • Learn how to be at ease in front of the camera.
  • Learn how to speak in Sound Bites so you don’t run out of air time before you make your point.
  • Learn how to protect yourself and your brand.
  •  Learn what to say while a camera crew is shooting “cutaways” for a taped TV piece.

At Women Media Pros, our consultants and veteran journalists are here to help you “level the playing field” in all of your interactions with the media.

Media Trainers Bella Shaw and Suzanne Spurgeon of Women Media Pros

In Focus: Media Trainers’ Blog

A business crisis can happen at anytime at any company.  When the story hits the media, you have a communications crisis to contend with as well.  High-profile individuals can be in the same boat.  A swift response is needed.  I'm not talking about a knee-jerk reaction, but a well-thought-out plan put into place quickly to stop the story from growing even worse. ...
Providing  MEDIA TRAINING services in: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Denver, Dallas, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Milwaukee and cities worldwide
Call:  323-899-3883    Email: pros@WomenMediaPros 

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